St. Matthew Lutheran Church

A new dry well treats runoff from the roof and keeps pollution out of the stormsewer system at this Columbia Heights church.

Project Details

City: Columbia Heights

Type: Community Grant (formerly Mini Grant)

Status: Completed

Timeline: 2016

MWMO Funding: $2,000

Partners: St. Matthew Lutheran Church

Staff Contact:

Adam Flett
Outreach Project Manager
Email Adam Flett
View Bio

This mini-grant project installed a dry well to collect stormwater from the roof of St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Columbia Heights. Previously, stormwater runoff from the roof had spilled directly out into the street; the new dry well infiltration system reduces flooding and allows the runoff to infiltrate into the ground, greatly reducing the amount that eventually reaches the Mississippi River.

A pipe runs from the roof underground to the dry well, a hole filled with drain rock and wrapped in a geotextile. The dry well captures and treats stormwater that runs off approximately 5,000 square feet of the roof. This system is designed to capture and treat a one-inch rain event (240 cubic feet of water).