UPDATE: Controlled Burns at Columbia Golf Course, Columbia Park this Week

As part of the Northern Columbia Golf Course and Park Stormwater BMPs project, contractors are conducting controlled burns today in woodland areas of Columbia Park and Columbia Golf Course.
Visitors may smell or see smoke from this activity, which was postponed earlier this month due to weather.
The controlled burn areas will cover about 9 total acres of woodlands. The purpose is to minimize vegetation on the ground so that native plant seeding can occur.
In all, nearly 20 acres of the golf course are being restored to woodland, oak savanna and prairie habitats to enhance the local ecosystem and aid in stormwater management.
The contractor conducting the burns has obtained all required permits and notifies local municipal police and fire departments. MPRB customer service staff and the Park Police Department are also notified; signs at the site will inform park and golf course users of this activity.
More on the Project
The Northern Columbia Golf Course and Park Stormwater BMPs project is a joint effort to improve water quality, mitigate flooding, improve ecological systems and enhance recreational opportunities in Northeast Minneapolis.
The Mississippi Watershed Management Organization is the lead project partner, working with the Board of Water and Soil Resources, City of Minneapolis, Hennepin County and Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB).
MPRB Project Contact
Andrew Schilling
Planning Services Division, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
ASchilling@minneapolisparks.org / 612-230-6466