Darrow Jones

Darrow Jones
Darrow Jones in March 2017.

Darrow Jones joined the Mississippi River Green Team from 2009-2011 after some encouragement by his biology teacher at Patrick Henry High School. He had never liked being indoors, but his time on the Green Team taught him to experience the outdoors in a new way. He gained an enduring appreciation for the natural world and the importance of minimizing his own impact on the environment. That helped push him toward what would become his future career.

After high school, Darrow initially studied network administration and took a data-entry job, but he quickly found that work “mind-numbing.” Like many Green Teamers, Darrow was a frequent bike commuter, and he discovered that his true passion was cycling. The Venture North Bike Shop had just popped up in his neighborhood, and the manager offered Darrow lessons on bicycle repair. Today he’s the service manager for the shop, and spends his free time doing off-road bicycle adventures in places as far away as Mexico’s Baja Peninsula.

Posted March 2017