Wynn Davis

"Aix Sponsa," by Wynn DavisAix Sponsa
Graphite pencils on paper

Mississippi River Story* that Inspired the Art:

“I remember for a project in philosophy we decided to go clean up trash along the Mississippi River by our campus, St. Thomas. And I don’t know, it was just a group of people I didn’t really know, and it really brought us together, and I’m still friends with those people. And we would even try and step on the some fallen trees to get closer into the river to pick up trash and got caught on those trees and got committed and into it. I don’t know, it felt like we were making a difference. Definitely felt connected to some sort of bigger thing, yeah because the Mississippi River is so huge and mighty.”

From the Artist: 

“For three years each spring my yard’s giant poplar served as a refuge for a beautiful couple of wood ducks. Just before dawn I would often see the pair fluttering out of a large notch in the tree and stretching their wings on top of my garage. When the sun reached the right angle, they’d fly off to spend the rest of the day at one of the many small lakes in either Wisconsin or Minnesota, depending on what side of the St. Croix river they settled on. At dusk they would return to their notch in the tree, overlooking the dusk of the St. Croix river.”

Contact Information:

Email: wynncd@gmail.com

*Note: This is not the artist’s own story, but a story gathered through a collaborative research project. Learn more.