The Bridal Veil Creek Subwatershed Desk Study: A Mississippi Watershed Management Organization Watershed Assessment

May 2006


The following report was funded by a grant from the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization to the Saint Anthony Park Community Council to conduct a comprehensive review of information available on the Bridal Veil Creek (BVC) Watershed. The purpose of the study was to undertake a desk review and analysis of all known, prior hydrologic and drainage studies; environmental and biological inventories, histories, pollution and ecosystem studies and reports; and other relevant materials and information on the BVC watershed to be summarized in a narrative report.


Prepared by: The Kestrel Design Group and Wenck & Associates

Suggested Citation

Mississippi Watershed Management Organization. 2006. The Bridal Veil Creek Subwatershed Desk Study: A Mississippi Watershed Management Organization Watershed Assessment. 102 pp.

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